We Match Brands to Athletes for Marketing Campaigns - OS Blog

OpenSponsorship Benefits to Athletes

Written by Bruno Faletto | Mar 10, 2021 6:09:44 PM

Being a professional athlete is undoubtedly a fantastic goal, for it allows people to make a living by working in what they love. It makes individuals tougher and mature faster, for there are multiple different sacrifices that people must make in order to be able to compete at a high level, so there is a lot of responsibility on each athlete. Unfortunately, not everything depends on the athlete. The path to becoming a professional athlete not only requires the athlete to be responsible and to commit seriously but also requires money (training, equipment, coach, travels, hotels, clothing, etc.). Here is when OpenSponsorship, the world's biggest platform connecting brands with athletes, comes along. OpenSponsorship gives the brands the opportunity to promote their products through the more than 8,000 athletes inside the platform and facilitates the athlete's job finding the right sponsor for them. For the brands, not everything is about the good results an athlete may have but how interesting and exposed an athlete is to the world. That is why, with its extensive list of important companies listed in the platform such as ESPN, Levi's, Sperry, as well as hundreds of startups and smaller companies, OpenSponsorship gives just that to an athlete: exposure, personal brand awareness, and multiple opportunities to connect with all kind of brands.

According to Crimson Hexagon, a prestigious social media company, having sponsorship funding allows athletes to canalize their focus more on the training and performance of their sport, reducing stress when it comes to finding money to train, compete, and put events. In the early stages of an athlete, most sponsorships would be focused on giving the athlete a hand, expecting that in the future, the help will pay off, as a successful sponsorship is a win-win deal in where both parties get more exposure to social media and the world. Then, when an athlete reaches the "next level," sponsorships have the power to influence consumer attitudes, build brand (your brand) awareness, increase reach, generate media exposure, and much more powerful tools that would help differentiate yourself from competitors. Therefore, the importance of finding a trustworthy sponsor in your career as an athlete should not be taken lightly, for in most cases, it is the tool or platform that will allow you to finally jump to "the next level."


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