Many lifestyle and beauty brands use influencers to enhance their marketing strategy. These influencers have the ability to endorse their products, while promoting them to their large followings which results in more exposure to potential customers. Athletes play a role as social media influencers who have large, loyal followings that enjoy the behind-the-scenes of these athletes' daily lives and routines. 

A great example of involving female athletes in a marketing strategy is shown at Yuka+Face, a skincare company dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and overall well-being. Yuka+Face has worked with OpenSponsorship on various deals to partner with our female athletes.


Chelsea Pureza - Muay Thai Champion Fighter

Chelsea Pureza is a champion fighter who is based in Los Angeles, California and has been trained in Muay Thai and Taekwondo. She recently partnered with Yuka+Face who has provided her with an organic skincare routine that aligns with her all-natural goals. “As a martial artist/fighter, our faces are constantly getting touched by sweaty gloves that have already touched other people’s sweaty faces,” Chelsea said, “Having a skincare routine helps me prevent breakouts and just maintain general hygiene.” Here is an example of the user generated content Chelsea created for the brand to use.

Ariana Wright - Track and Field, University of Maryland

Ariana Wright is a track and field athlete at the University of Maryland, who has always prioritized her health and wellbeing, along with an all-natural skincare routine. Wright created a series of Instagram and TikTok posts for her partnership with Yuka+Face. This provided the brand with user generated content that they can also promote on their own social media accounts. Here is an example of an Instagram post and TikTok video that Ariana posted for her brand deal.


How An Athlete Can Represent Your Lifestyle and Beauty Brand

All athletes learn to balance their professional and personal lifestyles, which includes taking care of their wellbeing and health. Whether it’s adopting a daily skincare routine or getting ready in their everyday lives, there is a place for every athlete within a lifestyle and beauty brand.

At OpenSponsorship we encourage our athletes to partner with brands they feel personally connected to, to remain authentic. These partnerships can include content creation, brand ambassadors, event appearances, podcasts, etc. There is no limit to how creative the athlete and brand can be, especially in this industry. Athlete influencers are becoming more prominent in marketing campaigns because of their immense outreach and diverse fanbases. 

Can you use different athletes and content for the same brand?

The answer is yes! A brand can have multiple athletes working on deals with them, and they can all produce different content. The example above shows Chelsea Pureza who created user generated content for the brand to use on their own, and Ariana Wright who made content to post on her own social media accounts. 

Having diversity with the types of brand deals and content allows the brand to reach new audiences through different mediums. User generated content allows the brand to use it how they see fit, and it can act as a review from a trusted source. When the athlete posts to their own accounts, it allows them to reach an audience and demographic the brand may not find on their own. Combining all these methods increases chances of success because of the opportunity to branch out.


OpenSponsorship showcases a substantial number of athletes on our platform. These athletes have variety in their sports, size of fan base, and personal interests. It is important for brands to connect with athletes that match their goals and everything they stand for. Whether they create user generated content for the brand, or post to their own accounts, these athletes are able to spread a brand’s mission to their loyal fanbase. Check out our list of athletes that you could work with!