Working with athletes can add a lot and be incredibly valuable to your marketing campaign. However, picking the perfect athlete to promote your product and achieve your goals isn't always easy! What sport should your athlete play to help you reach your desired demographic? Are you better off going with the big-name superstar athlete influencer, or would a smaller athlete or two help you achieve your goals in a stronger, more cost-effective way? There are thousands of athletes out there, some of which you may not have heard of, but sometimes these athletes are the perfect ones for you.
If you've been wanting to dip your toe in the water on
OpenSponsorship but the prospect is still a bit overwhelming, allow me to introduce you to this easy, 3-question, quiz. Sure, it's just for fun, but it also introduces you to a bunch of active athletes on OpenSponsorship who are ready to rep your brand, make awesome content, and help you reach your marketing goals.
Though we've approached it in a sort of silly way with this quiz, the underlying question is a really important one for brands to ask themselves before they join OpenSponsorship. Who are the best athletes to partner with, from your brand's perspective? While we can't answer that question for you, we're certainly here to help - from our sales team to our marketing team. Feel free to reach out any time, we love workshopping ideas with our brands!

Want to learn more about the athlete this quiz suggested to you or about more of the athletes available on OpenSponsorship? Reach out to an OpenSponsorship rep today or send us an email at to learn more about how our athletes can help take your brand's campaign to the next level!